Finally! Mad Men is back!


And it was definitely worth the wait.

Don seems happily married to Megan, but he's realizing there are perils to getitng hitched to a sweet but clueless younger woman -- perils that came out at his surprise party. Megan, save the sexy-time dances for when you're alone, not when you're in front of all the work folks!

Peggy and Pete are still striving... and still frustrated. Pete is on a quest for a bigger office, while Peggy doesn't get the back-up she needs from Don. Her best line? “Clients are right all of a sudden? I don’t recognize that man. He’s kind and patient. It concerns me.”

Roger is in a slump -- and he doesn't seem concerned about Joan's baby, which is probably his. And Joan is going slowly nuts taking care of hte young'un -- and she's worried she's losing her job.

Then there's a slightly pathetic subplot with Lane searching for the hottie whose picture he found in a wallet. It doesn't go well.

Wrap that up with the burgeoning Civil Rights movement of 1966, and you've got the makings of an explosive season.

What's your take? To the comments!

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  1. Walrus Joe posted on 03/29/2012 09:35 AM
    this show was so good!
  2. Dave posted on 03/29/2012 09:38 AM
    Zou Bisou
  3. Sally posted on 03/29/2012 09:38 AM
    I think Peggy is a great character.
  4. Joan posted on 03/29/2012 09:39 AM
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