Is it right to turn a bone marrow search into a reality show?


A 7-year-old kid with leukemia may star in a reality show aimed at finding him a bone marrow donor.

Is this an example of reality tv doing good -- or of it exploiting the sick?

Luis Danvers was diagnosed with leukemia in 2009. His family has been searching for a bone-marrow donor ever since.

Now Luis is being filmed for a reality show pilot.

Bone marrow donors need to be a close match to the person receiving the life-saving substance, and not enough people are registered. That may be because bone marrow donation sounds scary and painful -- but new means of extracting bone marrow stem cells are similar to just donating blood.

ANYTHING that increases the number of people who register as donors is a good thing…. but do you think a reality show takes things too far?

If you don't want to wait for a reality show to learn about bone marrow donation, check out the National Marrow Donor Program.

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  1. Denise Meyer posted on 03/13/2012 08:26 AM
    There is so much going on today on reality TV that lacks feeling in a positive way. With all the eat bugs and jump out of airplanes over the grand tetons (just throwing out examples), why not open doors for this kind of thing......BUT with a limit! If they endanger a human life by dragging them into public, to a public place, or anything of the same - then there should be an uproar. If they are trying to save a life, then they should remember to protect it in the meantime as well!
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