The Rob Report

Stories 1 to 10 of 96

Crystal Balls

The email came just after dinner. It was from Mary Ellen Geist. The subject? THIS IS INTERESTING It was a column from former labor secretary Robert Reich. He thinks the Affordable Care Act (AKA Obamacare) will stand. Toss Reich's prediction on the pile. That pile is probably the size of ... Read more!

So You're Changing Time Slots....

It's Sunday afternoon, and I don't know what to do with myself. Normally, I try to hit the sack around 8, because the alarm clock goes off at 2:30 AM. Not anymore! Starting tomorrow, my alarm clock will be set to a later time. I'm moving from mornings to mid-days. ... Read more!

Reach Into the Blog Bag

Sorry, again, for the paucity of posts. I don't know if you've noticed yet, but there's a slight change in the sound at FM News 101.1. For one or two hours every morning, we do something called “expanded news coverage.” It's got the regular mix of news, sports, and weather ... Read more!

Elite Fate

David Brooks is sad. If you don't know, David Brooks has a column in the New York Times. He is also a regular contributor to the “NewsHour” on PBS. If you are familiar with both, you might own a tote bag. Brooks is upset that we don't worship power like ... Read more!

Stupid Sports

What is it about sports fandom that turns rational human beings into sociopaths? The allegations against Jerry Sandusky are incredible. If Sandusky was a character in a movie, you wouldn't believe it. There's no way a person could possibly be capable of committing the crimes of which he is accused. ... Read more!

Escape From Wisconsin

Today in Wisconsin – everyone is breathing a sigh of relief. The recall is over. They can watch TV again. I spent 7 years in Milwaukee; as a student at Marquette University and then as an employee of WTMJ Radio. I'm still friends with a lot of people behind the ... Read more!

Drugs Win Drug War

Bath Salts! Bath Salts! Bath Salts! There we go. I've done my Search Engine Optimization duty for the day. Hopefully people searching for “bath salts” will stumble upon this humble blog. Traffic will go up, and I will become an internet millionaire (stay tuned for tomorrow's blog, called “Miley Cyrus ... Read more!

The Hunger Games

New York's Mayor Michael Bloomberg wants to ban the sale of large sugary drinks in the Big Apple. I have two reactions, summed up perfectly by other bloggers. Let's start with John Cole at Balloon Juice: "Bloomberg does know that two 16 ounce cokes equals one 32 ounce supersized coke, ... Read more!

Social Pleadia

The worst thing about Facebook? Facebook activism. You know what I'm talking about. People who share pictures of disfigured dogs, abused children, with a vague threat that if you don't share the picture with your friends, your are just as bad as the abusers. It happened again on Memorial Day. ... Read more!

Hot Sox

      The White Sox are hot. They've won 6 in a row. They've won 9 of their last 10. Pre-season predictions said teams on both sides of town would be mediocre, if not downright terrible. Go to the damn games, people. I went to two games this weekend. ... Read more!
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Gov. Quinn Orders Protection for Disabled
Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn has issued an executive order to increase state oversight of investigations into the deaths of adults with disabilities following a newspaper report that uncovered problems. Quinn's ... Read more!
VIDEO: Turtle Power
If you were glued to the TV on early Saturday mornings to follow the adventures of a rat and a few classically-named reptiles practicing martial arts in the sewers of ... Read more!
The latest in entertainment news.
Ray Allen Agrees to Deal with Miami Heat
Brian A. Westerholt/Getty Images(MIAMI) -- Ray Allen will be taking his talents to South Beach after he told the Miami Heat he will be choosing them over returning to the ... Read more!

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